Seal of the 17th Circuit Court
Pretrial Fairness Act Dashboard This data is refreshed nightly.
Since 9/18/2023, Initial Appearance Court is held in Courtroom B on Monday-Friday at 1:30pm, Saturday at 1:00pm, and as necessary in relation to court holidays.
This chart reflects the number of criminal court cases in which the defendant was arrested, lodged in jail and appeared in Initial Appearance Court, sorted by Arresting Agency. This data does not reflect individuals arrested solely for bench warrants (failures to appear) or out-of-county warrants.

Data for to
Detainable is based on the dangerousness standard.
Rockford 4467
Winnebago Co. Sheriff 1275
Loves Park 383
Machesney Park 298
Illinois State Police 132
Rockton 93
South Beloit 75
Cherry Valley 70
Roscoe 58
Park District 31
Vil of Winnebago 12
Animal Control 8
Pecatonica 8
Durand 4
Cherry Valley Tw 1
No Agency Code 1